Amazon is a customer-first platform; it values the customer experience above all else. According to Amazon, the faster shoppers can find a product, the better their shopping experience will be. As a result, Amazon’s A9 algorithm is designed to find listings with keywords that are worthwhile to the customer shopping experience.
If you want to increase your organic rank, you’ll need to implement SEO-driven content that contains relevant, high-performing keywords. This is how the A9 algorithm will find your listings.
So, which keywords should you use and how should you use them?
1. Use an effective keyword research tool
First, you’ll need to use a trusted keyword research tool if you want to improve your Amazon SEO. The right software will show you the specific keywords consumers are using to find your product. With an effective keyword research tool, you’ll be able to evaluate different keywords based on search volume. Then, you can implement them into your copy.
There are a few tools that you can use, including Helium10, Sellics Sonar, and Seller Labs Scope. However, most of these keyword research tools require a subscription.
If you don’t have access to a keyword research tool, we can help you out. Our free Amazon Listing Analysis provides a full report detailing the most effective and profitable keywords for your product.
2. Include only relevant keywords
Sometimes keyword software pulls up irrelevant keywords that may have had a few random hits on Amazon with your search term. Don’t waste your time with these keywords. Remember, Amazon’s A9 algorithm values customer experience, so it will avoid leading customers on a wild goose chase. You may also find that your research tool returns keywords like best or greatest. The A9 algorithm generally ignores superlatives, so you’ll want to refrain from using them.
3. Be conscious of your keyword placement
After keyword relevance, keyword placement is the next crucial factor in getting indexed and increasing your organic rank. We’ve found that keywords are more likely to index when placed in the following order: Title, Back-End Search Terms, Bullet Points (Features), and, finally, Description.
Based on this order, you’ll want to include your highest-ranking and most relevant keywords in the title and the back-end search terms.
Helpful Hint: When you have A + content, the graphic will replace the description on your Product Detail Page on the front end. However, it won’t affect the back-end. It’s best to include a description even if it won’t visually show up on the front end because the back-end still indexes those keywords.
4. Stay within the confines of the character limits
Following keyword placement, character limits help you prioritize your keywords. When you’re aware of your character count, you’re more likely to put high-ranking keywords first over the lower ranking, ineffective ones.
For most categories, Amazon allows a maximum of 200 characters for your title, 500 characters for your bullet points, 2,000 characters for your description, and 249 characters for your back-end search terms. This includes spaces. However, with Amazon SEO, less is more. Do not try to hit the maximum character length (unless it’s for the back-end search terms—by all means, take advantage of all 249 characters).
It is also helpful to study the character counts of best sellers in your category. How many characters do best sellers typically use for the title, bullet points, or description? Copy their length. They have seen positive results, and so can you.
5. Include both broad and narrow keyword phrases
There are two types of keywords: broad and narrow. Broad is also defined as “short-tail” while narrow is known as “long-tail.” Notice in the funnel below how the terms go from a general short-tail keyword to a specific long-tail keyword.
Normally, you’ll want to include more long-tail phrases. However, that’s not always feasible because sometimes it can make your content look unprofessional or sloppy.
For example, “mom gifts from daughter” is a high-ranking long-tail keyword, but it’s difficult to put it in your content without it sounding awkward. Instead, break it down into multiple short-tail keywords like mom, gifts, and daughter.
6. Include foreign languages in your back-end search terms when applicable
If the majority of your target audience speaks a foreign language, it’s a good idea to include those keywords in the back-end of your search terms.
As a note, Spanish is the second most prominent language behind English on Amazon. Typing calcetines (“socks”) into the Amazon search bar still pulls up a considerable amount of results, even if the language is set to English.
7. Don’t repeat words in the back-end search terms
You do not need to repeat words in your back-end search terms. For instance, you don’t need to say red socks, striped socks, cotton socks. Instead, you can just type red socks striped cotton. When it comes to Amazon SEO, the A9 Algorithm will index them all just the same—plus, it gives you room for more keywords within the limited 249-character space. Likewise, if you’ve already used the keyword in the front end, don’t put it in the back-end. Also, don’t include commas between the keywords. As long as there’s a space, the A9 Algorithm will pick it up.
8. Finally, do NOT keyword stuff your listing
Keyword stuffing used to work in the early 2000’s, but Amazon SEO (and search algorithms in general) has evolved since then. The A9 algorithm is programmed to find what’s of most interest and relevance to the user.
If your Product Detail Page is jam-packed with just keywords, you probably won’t index as much. Additionally, it makes your content look unprofessional, making customers less likely to trust you and buy from you.
How do you know you’re keyword stuffing? If you have to force keywords into your copy, you’re keyword stuffing. Make sure your content maintains a conversational tone. Find ways to naturally implement keywords into your content. It will attract your customers, and you won’t get flagged by Amazon for keyword stuffing.
Follow these tips to improve your Amazon SEO
It’s important to optimize your keywords as it’s a crucial part of organic rank. However, organic rank encompasses much more than keywords. It’s also affected by sales velocity, traffic, conversion rate, price, reviews, delivery method, inventory, and click-through rate. If you want to increase your overall organic rank, you’ll have to improve each of these components.
Want to rank higher on Amazon?
Give us a call. Buy Box Experts is currently offering a FREE Listing Analysis. Our experts will look through your listing and show you just what to do to improve your organic rank.
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